Three stacked blue boxes with binary digits on them
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Article Index

Unable to find a suitable alternative ecosystem despite searching very hard, I started a new python project. I navigated choices around package management, directory structure, and unit testing.
After configuring git I wrote a short bash script called ghclone that accepts a github user and repo. It clones the github repository following a particular directory structure.
I built the latest stable cvc5 from source on Ubuntu and added the Java API jar from that build to a maven project using a local maven repository.
After installing Arch Linux, I got google-chrome from the AUR running by way of installing sway, git, and yay. I configured these packages only minimally for getting started purposes.
After installing Arch Linux, I added a non-root user with sudo privileges and with privileges to shutdown and restart the machine.
I wrote a script called vaccjob to automate the transfer, submission, monitoring, and output retrieval of jobs on UVM's in-house supercomputing cluster.
After installing Arch Linux and the iwd and openresolv packages, I set up wireless internet access on a Lenovo Thinkpad P52s.
I installed Arch Linux on a Lenovo Thinkpad P52s using btrfs for the filesystem and grub for the bootloader. I recorded my process, beginning in a fresh installation image environment and ending with the root user booting into the new system.
I took an information theory class at UVM, and later visited two information theory related museums: the Museum of Printing and the New Hampshire Telephone Museum.
I found a healthier relationship to chocolate and other sugary snacks through the use of a commitment device that helped me make responsible choices on behalf of my future self.